
From WikipediaTheodor W. Adorno's Jargon of Authenticity (1964) suggested that the poems are essentially evil: "The fact that the neoromantic lyric sometimes behaves like the jargon [of authenticity], or at least timidly readies the way for it, should not lead us to look for the evil of the poetry simply in its form. It is not simply grounded, as a much too innocent view might maintain, in the mixture of poetry and prose. The evil, in the neoromantic lyric, consists in the fitting out of the words with a theological overtone, which is belied by the condition of the lonely and secular subject who is speaking there: religion as ornament."[21] Adorno further believed the poems reinforced the German value of commitment that supported a cultural attraction towards the principles of Nazism.[22]

Varga, Somogy and Guignon, Charles, "Authenticity", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2017 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).

… [T. W. Adorno: Jargon der Eigentlichkeit. Suhrkamp, 1964. / Žargon pravšnjosti. Prev. B. Debenjak, Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana 1972. / Jargon of Authenticity]

[>>> NUNQUÁM PROCRASTINANDUM.] Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič: Ne odlašaj! (2011)

→ Literarna pešpot po Gorici in Trstu - Rilkejeva pot med Sesljanom in Devinom; produkcija: Raziskovalni center za humanistiko, Univerza v Novi Gorici in projekt EDUKA2: Čezmejno upravljanje izobraževanja. Urednica: Ana Toroš; zasnova sistema povečane resničnosti: Aleš Vaupotič; tehnična izvedba Sapiens.